Louisiana Families for Vaccines is a grassroots network of Louisianans dedicated to advocating for public health and fact-based public policy and promoting immunizations for healthier kids and communities.

Measles, a highly contagious vaccine-preventable disease, is on the rise around the country and cases have been confirmed in Louisiana.

Measles is especially dangerous for children under 5 years old, people over 20 years old, and those who are pregnant or immune compromised. In addition, measles infection can make individuals more vulnerable to other infectious diseases. The safest and most effective way to prevent measles infection is vaccination.

Below is a link to guidance from the Louisiana Department of Health. Talk to your trusted medical provider about specific questions or concerns. Check out our News page for more information and sign up for our emails & follow us on social media to stay up-to-date.

Who we are:

Voters who support public health and vaccines are the vast majority in our state, and we need laws that reflect our values. Louisiana Families for Vaccines is a grassroots network of advocates that works closely with a diverse set of community partners to combat misinformation about vaccines, educate policymakers about the value of policy based in science, and support legislation, legislators, and candidates that champion public health and the greater good.

Our network of volunteers include parents, grandparents, disease survivors, medical providers, scientists, teachers, school nurses, social workers, child care providers, and others who support strong public health policy in our state. If you believe public health and vaccines are important for Louisiana, we would love to have you volunteer with us or sign up to receive updates.

Louisiana Families for Vaccines, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides fact-based and reliable information to families about the impact of immunization on personal and public health.

Louisiana Families for Vaccines Action Fund is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization committed to improving the health and welfare of Louisiana families by engaging policymakers at the local and state level and empowering advocates to have their voices heard.